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It can be harvested in spring or autumn. It needs soil with very high potash levels, often enriched with artificial fertilizer. In its production, a pre-product, for example, oats or barley, is planted or herbicides are often used to cleanse the soil from weeds. The problem of resistance to herbicides has brought to the agenda the introduction of genetically modified alfalfa to the market and the controversy of this issue in terms of biosafety continues.

It is one of the rare plants with autotoxicity. Therefore, new seeds do not grow in their existing beds. The ground must be cleaned before planting new seeds.

Soil preparation
Since alfalfa is a deep-rooted plant, it needs to be deeply processed in autumn. In the spring, after the cultivator and disc harrow are drawn, a good seed bed should be prepared by passing the worship.

Sowing should be done in the first half of April and when there is a good temper in the soil. 5-5.5 kg / da seed should be used if sowing is to be done by hand, and 3.5-4 kg decare seed should be used if planting with seeder In hand-sowing, seed with fine sifted sand 1/1 Autumn sowing is the best time in regions where winters are not very harsh.

4 kg N and 23 kg P2O5 should be given to alfalfa with planting. In other words, 15 kg of 26% Ammonium nitrate or 20 kg of 21% Ammonium sulfate and 50 kg of 42-44% of triple super phosphate fertilizer are discharged into the soil before disparforation. Nitrogen fertilizer is given only in the first year. Phosphorous fertilizer should be mixed between soil and hoe every year by applying a belt between the rows.

It can be formed 6-8 times a year and annual water consumption reaches 2500 millimeters in hot regions. It should be irrigated every 15 days in April, May and September, and every 10 days in June, July and August. In each irrigation, water should be given such that 0-120 cm of the soil is brought to the field capacity. An important point to be considered in alfalfa irrigation should be watered after every form. Irrigation should be done by long pan or sprinkler method.

The most correct way to have a clean clover field is to sow clean and unobtrusive seeds and clean the field from weeds before planting. The anchor should be made as necessary for the development of clover in the first year. In other years, care should be taken to clean the field from weeds.

Diseases, pests and struggle
The most important disease factor of alfalfa is the virus. The most effective measure to avoid the virus, certified seed, soil previously not infected with virus and clean irrigation water should be used. The two most important pests of alfalfa are aphid (Püseron) and a clover with a clover hose. Alfalfa's biggest enemy is clover. The scarlet, with its thin yellow leeches, wraps the clover's body, takes its nutrient, causing it to weaken. When it is seen, the clover should be cut from the bottom without connecting the seeds or if it is less, it should be collected and burned by hand.

Harvesting, threshing and storage
The most appropriate form time of alfalfa grown for grass is 10% flowering period. Format height should be 8–10 cm. The final form should be made higher. After the form, clover should be given in the sun for 1-2 days in order not to cause swelling in animals.

If alfalfa is to be stored and stored, it should be stored without drying and baling. If alfalfa is dried too much, it will cause loss of leaves and loss of vitamin A. Alfalfa silage can also be made. Must be cut and stored during the 25-50% flowering period.